How allergies manifest themselves in children and adults - signs, diagnosis and treatment Manifestation of allergies in humans
Allergy is a disease characterized by an excessive reaction by the immune system when the body comes into contact with an allergen. Most...
How syphilis manifests and is transmitted, its stages, diagnosis and treatment. What syphilis affects
Syphilis (Syphilis) is a sexually transmitted infectious disease that occurs in a chronic form, which affects the skin, mucous membranes, bones,...
Which doctor treats toxic hepatitis
Toxic hepatitis refers to liver diseases; is the result of exposure to toxic substances in the body. When affected, it is characteristic...
Urethritis in women: causes and diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease
Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system occur in both women and men. This pathology affects the kidneys, bladder, urethra....
Pulmonary candidiasis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, folk recipes Candidiasis infection in the lungs, how signs manifest
Hokkaido University professor Toshiyuki Nakagaki published the results of his experiment in the journal Nature in 2008. “The professor “taught” the mycelium...
Asbestosis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment How and how is asbestosis transmitted
Occupational diseases caused by exposure to dust factors, silicosis Asbestosis Asbestosis is called pneumoconiosis, which develops...
Male menopausal syndrome: causes, diagnosis and consequences
The term "male menopausal syndrome" (also called andropause and male menopause) is used to refer to a decrease in the production of...
Endemic goiter - symptoms, treatment and prevention Indications for screening for hypothyroidism
Endemic goiter is a disease of the thyroid gland caused by a lack of iodine in the area of ​​residence. Normal functioning of the thyroid gland...
Atopic dermatitis in children: symptoms, treatment, forms of manifestation of the disease Treatment of atopic dermatitis in a 2-year-old child
Atopic dermatitis (allergic dermatitis), diathesis - all these are skin manifestations of allergies, caused essentially by the same thing - allergens, toxins...
Hepatitis - symptoms, signs, causes, treatment and prevention of viral hepatitis
According to statistics, the number of people suffering from viral hepatitis B and C is regularly increasing. In some countries, the disease has reached...